Aesku Phospholipid Screen IgG/IgM ELISA
Aesku is the only company in the world which offers microwells coated with eight phospholipid antigens for APS screening as per the criteria. The antigens offered are
cardiolipin/ β2 glycoprotein I
β2 glycoprotein I
Phosphatidyl -choline
Phosphatidyl- ethanolamine
Phosphatidyl -inositol
Phosphatidyl -serine &
Phosphatidyl- sphingomyelin
• CE –marked product.
• Breakable microwells & ready to use reagents.
• Colour coded reagents
• Based on One Aesku Concept ie. Uniform incubation time (30 mins+30 mins +30 mins) and common reagents like wash buffer, sample buffer, stop solution and substrate are interchangeable.
Also available Aesku Phospholipid profile IgG/IgM ELISA for separate quantitative or qualitative detection of 8 non criteria phospholipid antigens for APS (Anti phospholipid screening).